About Christine

Hi there!

I’m Christine Baumann, a masters-level registered dietitian dedicated to helping people cultivate a more peaceful relationship with food and their bodies.

Whether you have been formally diagnosed with an eating disorder, experience disordered eating, have a history of chronic dieting, or are seeking non-diet medical nutrition therapy to help prevent/manage a health condition, you’ve come to the right place. 

Food can play a deeply personal and complicated role in a person’s life. I’m committed to providing highly individualized nutrition therapy to each person I work with and strive to cultivate a dynamic partnership with a client to support meaningful, lifelong changes. As a client, you are the expert of your body. This is why I integrate evidence-based nutrition therapy with compassion, warmth, and respect for a client’s own lived experience.

My approach embraces an all foods fit nutrition philosophy aligned with Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size®. I practice from a non-diet, weight-inclusive, trauma-informed lens, and provide a non-judgmental space for clients throughout the collaborative process. 

Ready to get started?

Contact Me

Christine Baumann, MS, RDN

(949) 229-2575

Private practice based in Orange County, California